COVID-19 for residnts

COVID-19 for residnts

COVID-19 relief for residents who cannot pay rent during the pandemic. 

Do I have to pay rent during the COVID-19 pandemic?

If you’ve been wondering, “Do I have to pay April Rent in Maryland during the Coronavirus?” then you might want to have all of the facts before making a decision. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is dangerous and scary for many reasons apart from the health aspects. Not only is this virus deadly and impacting individuals all over the world at an insanely fast rate, but it is hurting jobs, families, and businesses (both small and large). Many individuals have been furloughed or laid off and no longer have a steady income to rely on. The scary part is that this happened in what seems like overnight and no one was prepared for it.  With that being said, one question on many renters’ minds right now is “do I have to pay April rent?.” The answer is simple terms is YES! However, there is a lot more to it that you need to keep in mind! Assistance is being offered; Keep reading to learn about resources for rent assistance in Maryland, the CARES Act, and current eviction policies.

Are you having issues with paying your rent? 

Contact your local housing agency and/or property management company for assistance. We are here to work with you!  Keep in mind, refusing to pay rent without contacting your landlord/property management company and without proving a lack of income hurts the resident more than anyone else. While you might not be evicted during the 120-day ban, you will be evicted when the courts reopen. This will ruin your credit and you will have judgments against you for the money you owe.


The CARES Act has three new unemployment insurance (UI) programs. The programs cover those that not eligible for standard UI programs like contractors, self-employed individuals, and gig economy workers (according to UI Cares FAQs). The act also includes those currently receiving regular UI aid and those who have used up all their UI aid. You will be eligible for up to $600/week in addition to the UI aid. The UI aid under this act is based on the income you’d been receiving for 18 months before losing employment. Applications are currently on hold due to the state working on a process for the new programs but will be available shortly. This act will allow those that lost a job to still have a stable income and make their rent.

Resources for Rent Assistance 

The Baltimore Sun has a list of resources for rent payment assistance ( This list is also posted below) during this crisis. This information is pertinent to those being impacted by the negative effects of COVID-19. The article breaks down the assistance programs by county. According to the Baltimore Sun article, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is to provide housing vouchers and rent assistance for those in need. Tenants are encouraged to speak with their local housing agency for more information and assistance. There are plenty of resources becoming available for Maryland residence to help combat the lack of rent money.

COVID-19 Updates and Maryland Policies 

COVID-19 seems to be the only topic of news right now, within reason. In case you need highlights on what is going on (especially in the state of Maryland), keep reading.

  • Continue to practice good hygiene (washing hands for 20+ seconds) and refraining from touching your face. Keep practicing social distancing (6-feet away from others) and stay in your home unless you must leave for an essential reason (essential workers, groceries, pharmacy or doctor/hospital visit).
  • The rate of those infected as well as the death rate seems to continue to grow each day. It also seems to be statistically more being diagnosed daily. In fact, Maryland deaths doubled since yesterday and now reach over 30. As much as we hate to share this sad news, it is important to pay attention to how serious this virus is.
  • Maryland law now has enacted a “stay at home” order. This means LEGALLY no one can leave home unless for an essential job or essential reason (mentioned above). If caught breaking this law without cause, the crime is punishable with up to one year of jail time and a misdemeanor charge.

Agencies that can provide rental assistance: 

Anne Arundel County and Annapolis:

  • Emergency Assistance to Families with Children - Annapolis: 410-269-4500
  • North County Emergency Outreach Network: 410-766-1826
  • Salvation Army - Annapolis: 410-263-4091
  • Salvation Army - Glen Burnie: 410-768-0477
  • Emergency Assistance to Families with Children - Glen Burnie: 410-269-4500
  • Anne Arundel County Community Action: 410-626-1900

Baltimore City:

  • Franciscan Center: 410-467-5340
  • HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM): 410-649-0529
  • American Legion Department of MD State Headquarters: 410-752-1405, 800-433-3318
  • New Shiloh Baptist Church: 410-523-5306
  • All Saints Church: 410-542-0445
  • Mount Moriah Baptist: 410-945-3575
  • New Creation Christian Church Love Outreach Ministry: 410-488-5653
  • Paul’s Place: 410-625-0775
  • Wallbrook Vicinity Churches Assistance Ministry: 410-383-1525
  • Zion Baptist Church: 410-837-4181
  • St. Anthony of Padua: 410-488-9918
  • Mercy Supportive Housing Program: 410-675-2125
  • Salvation Army Family Service Center: 410-783-2920
  • City Temple Outreach: 410-383-8040, 410-462-4800
  • Friendship Outreach Center: 410-444-1595
  • Bon Secours Community Works: 410-362-3808
  • Baltimore City District Court — Eviction Prevention Program: 410-878-8650
  • St Vincent de Paul — The Samaritan Center: 667-600-3700 ext. 1

Baltimore County:

  • Community Action Network: 410-285-4674 ext. 111 or 123
  • Maryland Kidney Foundation: 410-494-8545 for assistance to Maryland residents diagnosed with kidney conditions

Harford County:

  • Harford Community Action Agency: 443-456-3629
  • Salvation Army: 410-939-3535
  • St. Vincent de Paul Outreach: 410-642-3588
  • Aberdeen Bible Church: 410-272-3278

Howard County:

  • Community Action Council of Howard County: 410-313-6440
  • Community Action Council of Howard County (Laurel Residents Only): 410-313-0220
  • Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services (Zip codes 20707, 20708, 20723, and 20724 only): 301-776-0442

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